
Introducing our new bi-weekly informational newsletter

Briefing you on emerging trends in cybersecurity, cloud technology, IoT, AI; and what they mean for your business.

For over a decade, George Stephens, LLC has researched, sourced, and deployed telecommunications services and technology solutions for businesses and organizations of all sizes. We have helped hundreds of clients upgrade and optimize value as they forge ahead in the ever-changing landscape of information technology and telecommunications.

With the breakneck speed at which we have seen so many new innovations emerge; the volume of news and hype around cloud technology, AI (artificial intelligence), ML (machine learning), IoT (Internet of Things) and cybersecurity can overwhelm just about anyone. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Our intention is to deliver value to the people and their businesses, by providing a bi-weekly newsletter featuring fresh insights from our solutions team and industry experts to provide useful content that goes beyond the tech buzzwords and the hype, with topics that are absorbable, applicable and relevant to your business.

We look forward to connecting with our community and hearing more about your experience with these topics as well. We’d love for you to join the discussion, and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions, or want to learn more about any of these topics and their applications to your business.